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Room - 住宿活動


Q: 青年旅舍颱風來襲的時候,有什麼地方可以去??
A: 待在旅聚居做地瓜球啊!!
但是也失敗的太誇張了哈哈 (羞愧
地瓜湯圓跟地瓜薯條倒是頗好吃的 (自滿

順帶一提,請假在法國爽一個月的安迪回歸了!!! : D
然後你真的好黑喔!! 哈哈

Q: Where should we go when typhoon is coming?
A: Stay in TrippGG and make sweet potato balls!!
However, we FAILED!! The shape of sweet potato balls shouldn’t be like this. LOL
Fortunately, the taste is still good.
We also made sweet potato tangyuan and sweet potato fries, both of them are yummy : P

Oh, by the way,
Andy, the one who spent a month in France, is back !!!!! : D
And he got so tanned!! Haha