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Room - 住宿活動


2/18 旅聚居決定繼續沉浸在新春氛圍, 當晚8點,我們將: 
1. 準備免費的湯圓🍡,元宵慶晚春(非住客酌收50$) 
2. 挑戰不一樣的湯底煮法😀 
3. 沒有煮過元宵的老闆😝, 將親自帶領挑戰無限創意. 
喜歡熱鬧,有創意料理想法的你, 把握時間下榻旅聚居, 一起挑戰味蕾的極限。

Originality Rice Flour dumplings Cooking in the Lantern Festival✌️
TripGG decided to keep celebrating The Lantern Festival. At 8:00 P.M. on 18th Feb., we will do :
1. Free Rice flour dumplings🍡( 50$ charge for non-TripGG hostel guests.)
2. To try using different and special soups to cook dumplings.
3. TripGG boss😲 will join this activity with non-cooking experience. 
If you have more crazy cooking ideas, just reserve TripGG Hostel to join us!