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他們一抵達後,就一直說要煮火鍋。然而,風雨逐漸加大,所以房客都聚集在交誼廳的落地窗前,觀賞著美麗島街景的風雨交響樂。他們不時此起彼落的: 哇~哦~阿~
讓我們以為他們很像在坐雲霄飛車 哈哈哈哈


他們的雨衣根本沒用,完全濕透了...他們抱在一起說: 我們還活著~



(寫文的時間是隔天早上,他們說要把火鍋料煮完,所以一早又在煮火鍋,要繼續分食給大家...等待食物中 哈哈哈哈哈)

#旅聚居 #高雄住宿 #美麗島一號出口 #青年旅舍 #背包客棧
#颱風天 #莫蘭蒂 #旅聚居不怕 #客人也不怕 #摩托車環島 #還有續住的室友
#昨天有很多不同國籍的室友 #台灣 #英國 #美國 #日本 #韓國
#室友堅持要吃火鍋 #旅聚居放電影給大家看 #大家擠在交誼廳好溫馨

旅聚居青年旅舍: www.tripgg.com.tw


Typhoon Meranti attacked the south of Taiwan. TripGG was very safe. How about everyone?

Due to the typhoon, a lot of reservations were cancelled yesterday. 
However, we still got 5 Travelers who are traveling around Taiwan with their motorcylces and the roommates who have planned more days in Kaohsiung. 

Those 5 travelers are combined from 3 different group. During the trip, they met each other and become the travel partners. (We thought they are friends at the beginning. They looked like they've known each other for a long time.)

After they arrived, they said hot pot was a necessary dish for typhoon day. But the wind and rain got more stronger. All the roommates gathered at the common area and watched what's going on outside. From time to time, they screamed: woooow, ohhhhh, ahhhhh. Sounds just like they rode the roller coaster. haha

The men of 5 travelers thought the rain and the wind got never smaller. So they decided to go out for the stuffs of hot pot. They dressed their raincoats and helmets up... to walk to the super market. 

After a half hour, they brought the stuffs back and got totally wet(the raincoat didn't help.). They hug together and said: We are SURVIVED!
They told us the situation of the streets: people could barely move and everything came to you in any second. Two girl was stuck on the street and called the police for help. 

After all the mess and everyone settled down, we decided to make some photos with those people in this unforgetable moment. One of them took a Taiwanese flag out. Our British roommate, American roommate and Japanese roommate saw it and started to look up their flags on internet. How lovely <3

At dinner time,
we offered the movies and they threw the hot pot party and they even invited us to join the dinner. So sweet :)
A typhoon night flew... thanks for this typhoon. It brought us together and made us more communicate. Felt so warm in this cold and windy weather.

(The posting period was the morning after the typhoon day. Before they left, they cooked hot pot again because they didn't want to waste the food and invited us again. I am waiting for food again. hahahaha)

#TripGG #KaohsiungStay #FormosaExit #Hostel #Backpacker
#TyphoonDay #
Meranti #TripGGisNotAfraid #OurGuestsAreNotAfraidToo
#MotorcycleTravelers #RoommatesFromDaysAgo #TheyAreFromDifferentCountries
#Taiwan #England #TheUSA #Japan #SouthKorea
#HotPotIsMustEat #MoviesIsMustPlayToo #WeAllGatheredAtCommonArea

TripGG Hostel: www.tripgg.com.tw