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🏄 旅聚居 x 國際海洋清潔日 🌏

🏄 旅聚居 x 國際海洋清潔日 🌏



很感謝上次每個熱心報名的你,如果這次你無法參加的話,未來旅聚居依然會舉辦相關淨灘活動,歡迎下次見 😊

而當天剛好適逢中秋連假第二天,如果你選擇要來高雄玩,不妨考慮加入我們的行列,跟著旅聚居一起去淨灘,【當天住宿再送600元住宿卷】唷 😁

👉🏽現在就撥打07-2851231報名,或直接臉書私訊我們都可以喔,See you soon 👀

旅聚居青年旅舍: www.tripgg.com.tw

#高雄 #旅聚居青年旅舍 #淨灘 #終於放晴了 #無局少年 # #歡迎一起來#你就不孤單了 #中秋連假第二天 # #600塊 #住宿卷 #不要猶豫了你快點 #麻袋 #我們有 #人來就好 #記得帶腦 #Angelababy #等你唷

🏄 TripGG x International marine cleansing day 🌏

The activity of beach cleansing last weekend has been postponed to 16.Sep due to the bad weather. 💁🏽

Beach Cleansing Time: 09:00 to 10:30 am
Meeting Place : Cijing Guanji temple

We are very appreciate at the participant last time, we feel sorry about changing the date. Welcome to join us in the future if you will be absent on 16th 😊

It is the second day of the 4-day consecutive holiday of Moon Festival. If you participate this activity, 【 Accommodation Coupon 600 NTD 】will be gotten if you choose to stay in TripGG Hostel on 9/16. 😁

👉🏽Signing up now with phone call: 07-2851231, or you can PM us as well , see you soon 👀

TripGG Official Website: www.tripgg.com.tw

#Kaohsiung #TripGG #Hostel #beach #with #bitch #cleansing #bws#boring #youarenotalone #iwillbewithyou #michaeljackson #600 #coupon #brain #welcome