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【2016.07.10-08.10 柏豪小幫手】

(他履歷中自稱活潑開朗, 但他本人不願承認有寫這句)
到最後整個解放自我~顯露悶騷本性 (無法忘記你的經典影片) 哈哈哈
原本10號就要離開的他, 硬被我們留到11號~(你其實也很愛我們, 對吧~~)
而且很難得的全員到齊, 賣醜跟你一起拍XD照!!

雖然你都說"我今天只要烤巧克力口味", 但我們點別的口味你還是會任命的烤~哈哈
我們也會想念你每天都會大喊說: 我要洗衣服囉~
我們還會想念我們使喚你時, 你都說不要, 但身體還是行動了


#‎旅聚居青年旅舍 #‎高雄 #‎美麗島住宿 
#‎暑假 #‎小幫手 #‎打工換宿 #‎一個月 
#‎悶騷鬼 #‎天使雞排 #‎歡送會 #‎烤土司 #‎打掃專家 
#‎明年寒假見 #‎旅聚居愛你喔


【2016.07.10-08.10 Helper Bo】
Bo is the helper, our first one-month helper(normally two weeks.)
At first all, he was soooooo quite... we thought he made up his CV(because he wrote he was talkative and outgoing. but he didn't admit that.)
After a while, we saw his really personality(crazy, crazy and very crazy. can't never forget your crazy video haha)
He planed to leave on 10th. But we didn't let him go (he didn't want to, too.)and throw a goodbye party on that night. You are so lucky that you can have a (ugly) picture with whole of us 

We will very miss you.(So we've saved a place of winter working exchange for you next winter)
We will miss that you make toast for us every day.(he had to eat twice a day) 
Even though you said you made only chocolate toast today, but we wanted other flavor, you still did for us.  
We will miss that you have so much passion of cleaning. 
We will miss that you hate change the bed sheet of double room(he made three time wrong.)
We will miss that you yelled you were gonna use washing machine every day. 
We will miss that you love to make voice down suddenly when you speak. 
We will miss that you always say no but your body still does the command from us.

We bet you miss us now, too. So come back to us now!

#‎TripGG #‎kaohsiung #‎formasaboulevard #‎budgetstay 
#‎summer #‎workingexchange #‎helper #‎onemonth #‎crazyguy 
#‎goodbye #‎party#‎toastexpert #‎cleaningexpert #‎seeyounextwinter 

旅聚居青年旅舍官方網站: www.tripgg.com.tw
TripGG official website: www.tripgg.com.tw